The Functional Medicine Society of Utah Connects Patients & Health Care Practitioners.  

More than an online directory.  The Functional Medicine Society of Utah is on a mission to increase both awareness and practice of Functional and Integrative Medicine.  We will be bringing Utahans a forum to learn more about Functional and Integrative  Medicine and also a way to connect with Healthcare Professionals who focus on.

  • Prevention
  • Physical & Mental Wellness
  • Seeking Root Cause for Diseases
  •  Lifestyle & Environmental Medicine
  • Chronic Dieseases
  • Autoimmune Diseases

Why Integrative & Functional Medicine?


Following a complimentary and integrative approach to health and wellbeing can pay dividends by treating subclinical disease states before they fully manifest.


Getting to the root cause of a particular condition rather than covering up symptoms is often more effective and curative in the long run. Many chronic diseases and conditions can be cured when the patient and practitioner start to take a systems biology approach.


The current healthscare crisis can only be fixed by a consumer driven grass roots movement.  Functional and Integrative approaches to  health and wellbeing ask that you to get fully involved and engaged in your health consumerism and overall health and wellbeing.

Practitioner members are from many healthcare disciplines

  • Functional & Integrative Medicine
  • Nutritional Health & Dietetics
  • Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
  • Naturopathic Medicine
  • Chiropractic
  • Dentistry
  • Pharmacology
  • Mental Health 
  • And More

"it is self evident that our healthcare system

has led to an endemic crisis of

chronic diseases and conditions"  

dr. bernard J fragomeni- founder functional medicine society of utah

We want to change the way patients consume healthcare, and reshape the delivery model of our healthcare system.

Patients are sick and tired of being sick and tired.  Further, patients are frustrated with the experience of our current healthcare system driven by insurance providers short sightedness and practitioners busyness.  Someone needs to interrupt this cycle and provide care that gets to the root cause.

Patients need to be engaged in their self-care and practitioners need to embrace a complementary and integrative approach.  We advocate for a new way forward in how health care is consumed that will save money, avoid frustration, and put everyone on the same page.  Check back often as we build out content for both healthcare professionals and consumers.

Functional and Integrative Medicine Musings

We’d love to talk about what matters to you.
